Tuesday 23 August 2011

Access All Areas!

The most recent working party on Saturday 6th August was a great success, in spite of the fact that volunteers had to drag themselves out of bed on a Saturday morning!

Our aim this time around was to clear the paths for better access and I think it is safe to say that the mission was (almost) accomplished. There is still some work to be done at the Coldharbour Lane entrance as the brambles have taken over with quite a vengeance but, all in all, it was a successful morning.

We can now start to consider what kind of challenges Autumn may bring...

Sims' Hill Woodland Wildlife

Here are some of the wildlife species spotted in the woodland so far. If you spot something new the next time you're down at Sims' Hill, why not take a picture and send it in?

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Welcome to the Sims' Hill Community Woodland Blog!

We held the first working party on Friday 25th March and it was a great success. We managed to collect 26 bags of rubbish, a lot of which was recycled or reused. There is still a lot of work to be done before the woodland is clear of litter altogether but it was certainly an encouraging start!

The next working party will be held on Wednesday 18th May from 12.00-14.00 and the focus this time is wildlife. A Senior Ecologist from the Forestry Commission will be conducting a woodland walk to assess what sort of wildlife lives in the woodland currently and how we can encourage more.

And there will be more litter picking...

Watch this space for details of how it went on the 18th May, photos of the woodland and news of future plans and progress.