Tuesday 14 March 2023

Managing Ash Dieback


There has been a lot of work going on in the woods lately under an approved woodland management licence. This is a big change and has attracted positive and negative responses. 

The current thinning work is essential to address the ash dieback disease. Trees with dieback are weakened and more likely to blow over or drop branches. This was particularly important in the middle area where several paths converge. We are working to mitigate the effects of the tree removal here by replanting in that area soon. 

The disease spreads quickly through monoculture, even-aged and relatively young stands such as we have at Sims Hill. The thinning aims to remove the worst-affected trees and retain those which are showing a degree of resistance. It allows light in to the understory which will encourage a more diverse ground flora and shrub layer to develop.

The new gaps allow us to diversify the wood by replanting with a mixture of different tree and shrub species. This will improve the woods adaptability and resilience to future climate change impacts. A varied mixture of species also naturally leads to greater diversity of wildlife.  

Where appropriate we will leave small open glades and open areas along the path edges to benefit birds and insects. We will create more deadwood habitat.  

New bird boxes are being installed by a local ornithologist and volunteers. The health of the ash will be monitored this summer and options for future management discussed.