Friday, 20 February 2015

Celebrating Success

Great news this week. We now have our licence to operate from South Gloucestershire Council, we have an approved management plan agreed with the Forestry Commission and a felling licence to thin out the dense plantation areas. A terrific achievement for a bunch of volunteers.

We must thanks the developer Taylor Wimpy and their consultants CSa Environmental Planning. I would like to give a special thanks to Luke Casey for giving more than he needed to make things happen. We have enough funds to pay contractors to some of the heavier work. You will hear chainsaws from Monday. They are friendly noises helping to bring the wood to life. Please do respect and do obey signage.

UWE volunteer group Greenspace have done some great work and have started to clear around the lost pond. They will be returning on Saturday the 28th. If you want to join in the fun turn up at the Forestry Commission offices at Bristol business park at 10am. Wear good footwear, it is muddy and there are lots of brambles.