Thursday, 12 September 2013

AGM 2013

Well it's been a while, but we're back up and running. The 2013 AGM took place at the end of July and the ball is rolling once again. Two of our committee members have resigned due to work pressures - they will be sorely missed! But we've gained two more who both work with Scout groups, which will come in handy for future path clearing and litter picking projects! The rest of the committee was re-elected and remains the same as it ever was. 

The committee and Sims Hill members agreed to concentrate on a number of small projects designed to reinvigorate the group. They are:
  • Cleaning up the pond
  • Clearing the path and making it accessible to all
  • Tidying up the tree guards and general litter
  • Wider engagement with interested groups (Scouts, Business Park colleagues etc.)
  • Improving the internal fencing
  • Butterfly transect 
  • Organising lunchtime walks

A few further practicalities were discussed, including free 2013/14 membership for existing members due to the appallingly wet summer that meant we got next to nothing done in the woodland done last year. New members well be asked to pay the annual fee of £5, which will go towards insurance and management plan costs.